biblical truths on fear and worry

Fear Not Preview

A preview of scripture that identifies those passages that demonstrate and direct us to not be afraid…to have faith and trust in God.

Fear God Scripture Preview

  • Psalm 049:16-17
    Do not be envious or fearful of those with worldly riches and power, for the wealth of this world does not pass on to the next.
  • Psalm 049:05-06
    When judgment comes, those who put their hope in the wealth of the world will be afraid, but those who trust in the Lord will be safe.
  • Psalm 003:03-06
    Regardless of criticism, intimidation and judgment from man, we commit to God and depend on His blessings. Our confidence in Him is built up through submission to Him.
  • Job 11:13-15
    Set your heart on God and reach out to Him with the full assurance of faith that we are washed with the blood of Christ.
  • 2 Kings 06:15-17
    Do not make things out to be worse than they are; turn to God so that our eyes are open to see things as they really are. God is larger than anything.
  • 1 Samuel 12:20
    Do not fear. You have committed all this evil, yet do not turn aside from following the LORD, but serve the LORD with all your heart.
  • Deuteronomy 20:08
    Fear can be contagious like a virus, but God can strengthen and protect us from its spread. Do not allow the fear of those who are afraid infect you.
  • Exodus 20:20
    Moses spoke to the people: “Don’t be afraid. God has come to test you and instill a deep and reverent awe within you so that you won’t sin.”
  • Genesis 50:19-20
    When we ask forgiveness from someone we have offended, do not place them in such high a position that we are afraid of their disapproval, make peace with God and you will find it easier to make peace with man.
  • Genesis 35:17
    Though pain and sorrows exist, we can endure knowing that a reward awaits us.

Do Not Fear Preview | Do Not Worry Preview | Fear God Preview





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Fearful To Fearless

Fearful To FearlessFearful To Fearless: biblical truths to inspire you to live a life free of fear and to worship God.

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Fearful To Fearless brings together almost 400 passages of scripture to demonstrate or direct us to not be afraid, to not worry or be anxious, to look to Christ for strength and comfort, and be transformed to have a worshipful fear and awe of God. Each passage is accompanied by a short biblical truth to help provide clarity and encouragement.

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365 Fear Nots